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TermwaypickandplacemachinehasbeeninvitedtoattendtheNepconShanghaiExpo2014. AsiaLargestscaleSMTindustrialexpowillbeheldduringApril23toApril25inShanghaiExpoHall. Termway,astheGlobalsmallandmediumSMTequipmentleader,attendin...
TermwaywillattendGermanyNurembergSMTExhibition. TermwaywillattendtheSMTExhibitionwhichwillbeheldonGermanyNurembergfromMay6toMay8. GermanyNurembergSMTExhibitionhasbeenoneofthemostimportantelectricmakingandSurfacemountingE...
Termway GmbH participate in 2013 Shanghai Nepcon with successful conclusion.The booth was in German Pavilion at Shanghai World Expo Exhibition, 1B117 booth, near the entrance, which is great convenient for visitor. The e...
Last week,one of our sincere clients from Iran come to our company to learn how to operate the high precision visional pick and place machine TP300V andpurchase other machines.He speakd highly of our equipemts.He have bo...
Big bang in LED pick and place high volume machines-L6/L8 The heart of the LED assembly process, a pick and place machine is an expensive equipment. Hence, buyers need to plan very strategically prior to making a purchas...
First online LED high speed pickplace machine L6 We Beijing Torch cooperated with Germany Termway developed new machine L6 . L6 is a professional LED placement machine,connect with full automatic stencil printer and refl...
TERMWAY will take newly launch high precision chips mounter to join inNepcon Shanghai 2013 Date: April 23~25, 2013 Booth:(Booth#1D12, The German Pavilion) (nearby ENTERENCE) Add: Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Convention...
  • ¹² 1 Ò³ 7 Ìõ¼Ç¼
Add£º18 An der Schlierbach,36132 Eiterfeld,Germany
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Tel£º 0049 (0)6672- 918 0088
Fax£º 0049 (0)6672- 918 0089
Beijing Factory£ºNO.15 Bulding,lianDong U Valley Industrial Park,Tongzhou District,Beijing,China
Shenzhen Office
Shenzhen Office£ºRoom 506,JICHENG Dasha,FuYong,Bao'an District,Shenzhen,China
Keywords£ºmounter,SMT mounter,small mounter,automatic mounter,manual mounter
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